Eaufrance, water portal ADES | Groundwater national portal Observatoires de la Zone Critique : Applications et Recherche

Groundwater national portal

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Water Point

A water point is a natural (spring) or artificial (borehole, drain, well) groundwater access point.

Each water point has a national code. This is the water point file code at the Underground Strata and Hydrometric Information Databank (see BSS Code). For information purposes, the national code may be supplemented by so-called “local” codes, namely the manager’s internal water point code, or the owner of the water point’s code.

Each water point is located using its geographic coordinates as part of a projection system and linked to the local area of the zone where it is situated.

It is defined by the following information:

  • National water point code or BSS Code.
  • Water point name or particulars.
  • Water point altitude.
  • Address - location of the water point.
  • Water point location map.
  • X and Y geographic coordinates of the water point.
  • Type of projection of the water point’s geographic coordinates.